
24 September 2020

Hey People.

Hey people.

I figured now was good as ever to open my heart and cranial crock-pot.

I figured now was good as ever to see what's on the inside of me.

I figured now was good as ever to sit and feel.

You probably are figuring now is good as ever to be let in but the truth of the matter here is that I am letting myself out.

Hey people. 

I figure now is the time.

I figure now for me.

I figure.

Hey people. This year.

This year I've disappeared. 

Have you seen me? I've lost sight of me. I may be on the nearest milk carton. Have you seen me? I may be on the nearest milk substitute carton. 

Have I seen me? I may be on the nearest mirror carton. Would I even see myself if I looked? Have I seen me?

Would it help if I stepped out of the dark?

Would it help if I stepped back? 

Maybe this whole time I have been too close to see.

Hey people. I've stepped out of the dark. 

Hey people. I've stepped back.

I see.

Hey Jill. I see you.

I see that you are hurting. 

I see that you are lost.

I see that you are angry.

I see that you are running on empty.

Hey Jill. You can.

You can heal.

You can find yourself.

You can seek peace.

You can refuel. 

Hey Jill. Let.

Let others see you.

Let others help you.

Let others hold you.

Let others love you.

Hey Jill. 

I figure now is the time to say that I'm not okay.

I figure now is the time to say that I need help.

Hey Jill. Hey Jill. Hey Jill.

You've been set free.